Senior, Mother Helping Kids Through “The Love Project”

Senior, Mother Helping Kids Through The Love Project

Like many Prep students, Lauren Herring hopes to make a difference in the world. Through a joint project with her mother, she is measuring that progress one child at a time.

Prep senior Lauren Herring and her mother, Wendy Herring, have been volunteering their time at Sunnybrook Children’s home in Ridgeland for over three years.

During this time, they have planned countless fun activities for the children including game days, slip n’ slide play time, and Trunk or Treat. Every year on Halloween, Mrs. Herring and Lauren gather a group of volunteers to participate in Trunk or Treat. Instead of going trick or treating, the kids go around to each of the volunteers’ cars and play games to win candy. The Herrings have also taken the children to Christmas on Ice, held movie nights at their home, and even moved one of the older kids into his college dorm room.

Recently the Herrings have decided to take volunteering to a new level. They have started, what they are calling “The Love Project.” This includes building a pavilion at Sunnybrook under which the kids can play games like volleyball, checkers, and chess. The pavilion is also designed to include an outdoor grilling area and restroom facilities.

The Herrings sold t-shirts in order to help fund their project; however, the project is largely being funded by generous donations.

When Lauren was asked how working with the Sunny Brook family has affected her and her mom, she said that it had helped her to learn to love people who she says are “often overlooked.”

Those interested in helping, through donations or materials, to help build a grilling area and an activity area may contact Wendy Herring at (601) 573-8052. For more information about The Love Project, visit the project’s Facebook page.

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