Prep lit mags score at 2017 MSPA fall convention
On Monday, October 30th, staff members from Earthwinds, Prep’s senior high literary magazine, Mindprints, the junior high literary magazine, Précis, Prep’s yearbook, and The Sentry all headed south for the Mississippi Scholastic Press Association’s fall convention, held at the University Southern Mississippi. The convention offered many students an opportunity to grow their talents as writers and editors during classes throughout the day.
To wrap up the convention, all students congregated for the keynote address given by Riva Brown. Ms. Brown stressed to all students that to be successful as a journalist, you must be: fearless, relentless, faultless. After Ms. Brown gave her final remarks, MSPA director R.J. Morgan announced the finalists and winners from both the literary magazine, and yearbook categories.
Both Ms. Kimberly Reedy, sponsor of Prep’s junior high literary magazine Mindprints, and Dr. Paul Smith, sponsor of the senior high literary magazine Earthwinds, were finalists for the MSPA’s Literary Magazine Adviser of the Year. Dr. Smith was the overall winner.
Both literary magazines were well-represented in the Individual and Publication award categories, with Mindprints bringing home the coveted Best Literary Magazine for their 2017 magazine.

Poem (Individual) – Jewels Tauzin, Earthwinds
Nonfiction (Individual) – Camille Grady, Earthwinds
Graphic Illustration (Individual) – Brianne Powers & Jewels Tauzin, Earthwinds; Brianne Powers, Earthwinds; Anderson Nixon, Mindprints
Short Fiction (Individual) – Camille Grady, Earthwinds; Reed Peets, Earthwinds; Madeleine Porter, Earthwinds
Photo (Individual) – Abigail Allen, Earthwinds; Graham Roberson, Earthwinds; Meredith Chrislip, Mindprints
Design (Publication) – Earthwinds, Mindprints
Theme (Publication) – Earthwinds, Mindprints
Best Literary Magazine 2017 (Publication) – Earthwinds, Mindprints
Photo (Individual) – Meredith Chrislip, Mindprints
Short Fiction (Individual) – Camille Grady, Earthwinds
Nonfiction (Individual) – Camille Grady, Earthwinds
Design (Publication) – Earthwinds
Best Literary Magazine 2017 – Mindprints
To see a list of all finalists and winners, visit the MSPA website.