History teacher Kevin Robichaux is adored by many students

From Issue 4

For four years now, Prep has been home to the entertaining Mr. Kevin Robichaux. Using projects and many other interactive teaching styles, Robichaux engages eighth graders in all different aspects of American history. He says, “I use this method of teaching in hopes that the students will enjoy history as much as I do.”

Mr. Robichaux explains that he chooses to teach eighth grade because this is the grade in which his favorite period of history is taught. His favorite lesson to explain is the Civil War, and the students would definitely agree. Every few months, Robichaux participates in Civil War battle reenactments. Upcoming is the reenactment of Bryson’s Crossroads Battle taking place in February near Tupelo.

In the last 10 years, Robichaux has taught at three different schools: Brandon High School, Northwest Rankin, and here at Jackson Prep.

To give his room more of a “museum” feel rather than a classroom feel, Robichaux has ordered many items symbolizing his favorite aspects of American history to represent what he teaches. His most prized of these items is the Gadsden Flag, which displays a coiled snake saying “Don’t tread on me.”

Every year in the spring, Robichaux leads an eighth grade trip to Washington, DC to show his students around the nation’s capital. His favorite spot to take the students is the National Museum of American History, part of the Smithsonian Institution. This museum is home to the original Star Spangled Banner, the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to compose our national anthem. However, the students’ favorite spot on this trip is the Holocaust Museum which takes them through the tragedy that unfolded during World War II. Another enjoyable activity in D.C. is the Haunted Tour of Alexandria. Mr. Robichaux loves exposing his students to everything they have learned and making it all come to life with this trip.

Mr. Robichaux definitely brings excitement and interest to the eighth graders as they explore American History. After talking to the current ninth graders that Robichaux taught last year, they said he was definitely a student favorite. Each of them said that his way of teaching was very beneficial to their learning. According to freshman Camp Carter, “Mr. Kevin Robichaux is my favorite teacher and I wish he would move up to teaching us in 10th grade next year.”