Mothers’ group keeps Prep family in their prayers
From Issue 7

Moms in Prayer is a support group organized by moms of Prep students in grades six through twelve. The group of moms meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month to speak and pray at Covenant Presbyterian Church from 1:00 to 2:30. Moms in Prayer is an international group, operating in one hundred and forty countries and all fifty states. Their mission is to have every school covered by a prayer group. Other Moms in Prayer groups exist at First Pres and other private schools in Jackson.
Jackson Prep’s own Moms in Prayer group has been operating for more than fifteen years and is currently run by Ms. Lisa Ireland. There are around 25 regular members, and moms are divided into different groups by grade level. Prayer requests can be sent in three days before each meeting and are completely confidential. Both parents and faculty can send in prayer requests to the moms. If a student has a prayer request, they can also send it to Ms. Ireland’s phone via text or email. Over the course of the year the moms pray over every student by name. They also pray for faculty, the maintenance staff, the head of school, and the board of directors.
It’s nice to know that a group of moms is praying over Prep throughout the school year. Whether or not you are a Christian or believe in God, this group still offers support for students all throughout the year. If you would like to send a prayer request to Ms. Lisa Ireland, her email address is [email protected].