Pet of the Month: Max Friday

From Issue 9


Being recognized as “Pet of the Month” is nothing short of impressive for both the owner and the animal. This title is subtly praising the owner for having such a high taste when it comes to pets, while also rewarding the pet for being worthy of such an extraordinary and impressive title. With that being said, the first pet ever to be awarded this is nothing short of special.  

For our first Pet of the Month, we have Max Friday. Her owners are Prep alumna Reece Friday and current sophomore, Kitty Friday. The five year old is a cute, loveable, adorable Australian Shepherd. They got Max from a shelter in Madison in 2013. Max was named after a family friend who had recently passed away when they got her. The Fridays have always had an eye for Australian Shepherd’s, so it was not a shock when the family got the puppy for Christmas. Max is a very active dog, loving anything outdoors. Kitty loves going outside with her often, especially when Max has a little too much energy for the day. Her favorite thing to do is play ball, never getting bored of the repetitive chase and catch. Not only is Max an active and lovable dog, she has a special talent. Max can open doors. Yes, I know. It’s cool. 

In our opinion, Max is one of the prettiest dogs we have seen. Her crystal blue eyes speak for themself, and her soft and furry coat only add to her attractiveness. If you would like to enter your pet for The Sentry’s Pet of the Month, direct message the  jacksonprepsentry Instagram or email a Sentry staff member a photo to enter your animal/reptile.