Gardening Club sprouts

From Issue 4

Have you ever thought about starting a garden? If so, the Gardening Club would be a great place to start.

The club was recently created by junior Lilly Grace Sites. Lilly Grace said, “During lockdown last school year, my family started a garden in our backyard, and it was a fun way to spend extra time.” This was her motivation for starting the club.

During the school year, Lilly Grace hopes the club will be able to plant flowers at the front of the junior and senior high buildings, start a garden with fresh vegetables that can be used in the cafeteria, and encourage students to try something new this year.

The club currently has 38 members. If anyone is interested in joining the Gardening Club, they will be meeting once a month. You can also reach out to Lilly Grace if you have any questions, and she can add you to the Groupme.