Retreat gives freshmen a break
Students engage in a tug-of-war on a beautiful day at the ninth grade retreat.
With the hardships many students have faced with the Covid-19 restrictions this year, it has become difficult to find a moment of enjoyment. Determined to give the Class of 2024 a good time, the Leadership Institute of Prep hosted a fun ‘field day’ for the 9th-grade students. Each person was divided into groups the previous day and was encouraged to get to know the other students and leaders. The groups were divided in a way that friends were separated and prompted to talk to someone new.
After an early dismissal, the students were led to the band field where Chick-fil-A and smiling leaders were found. Country music started playing and students lined up to dance with the instruction of senior Sarah Herring.
Then Victoria Nowell, Hunter Yelverton, and Coach Turner gave advice and a quick send-off. The horn blast started the rush to activities, and the eager students rushed to engage in soccer, kickball, basketball, flag football, and obstacle courses in the woods.
Following a few hours of physical activity, snowcones and hotdogs were provided to refresh the 9th graders’ energy levels in order to prepare them for the tug o’ war contest that followed. After the competitive tug o’ war, everyone was released to do whatever pleased them.
Overall, the 9th grade retreat was a success, and everyone had a blast. Students werre definitely sunburned and sore the day after, but the memories that came with that day will last a lifetime.