Fans are ‘Happier Than Ever’ now that Billie Eilish’s new album is out
From Issue 1

Songwriter/singer Billie Eilish released a new album, Happier Than Ever, on July 30, 2021. It consists of 16 songs, with 5 of them already being published prior to the album. Eilish posted many teasers of her album on social media, making the fans anxious for its arrival. Just like her other albums, this one was written and recorded with just her brother, FINNEAS.
Starting off, the album begins with the song “Getting Older,” which is about, well, getting older. The song stays on a steady beat, not really changing. It has a good meaning but can be a bit boring to those who like more upbeat and changing music. The next song is “I Didn’t Change My Number.” I like the way this song differs in the beat and doesn’t stay the same the whole time. The music then jumps to a slower song called “Billie Bossa Nova.” This song is one of my favorites; I love the use of guitars and snapping sounds to create a calming effect. “my future” is the next one, also one of my favorites, focusing more on vocals. It’s a very slow and soothing song until the beat picks up. In “Oxytocin,” the following song, everything changes. It’s a way darker song with low beats. This one I don’t care for. Coming after “Oxytocin” is “GOLDWING.” It has a fast beat, higher than the one before it. Then “Lost Cause,” which I enjoy, comes directly after “GOLDWING.” It mixes guitar with a moderate beat, nothing too high or too low. My overall favorite, “Halley’s Comet,” comes next. This song is very gentle and comforting to me. “Not My Responsibility” is another slow song that comes next. It doesn’t have vocals; Eilish is speaking. It has a very deep meaning that it isn’t her responsibility what people think of her. The beat immediately picks up in “OverHeated,” the next song. Not much change occurs in this song. The mood starts to darken in the upcoming song, “Everybody Dies.” We hear very nice vocals and a slow beat. Coming up is “Your Power,” another one of my favorites. Like a few of the other songs, there is a relaxing rhythm with a guitar. The beat then leaps to a faster, lower pace in “NDA.” This song is not the most popular song with the fans, who made fun of the beat on social media. The rhythm of the next song “Therefore I am” is similar to “NDA.” This song was released in 2020 as a single but is included in this album. The most popular song of the album, “Happier Than Ever,” is next. It is so peaceful and calming, except when the pace picks up in the middle of the song for the climax but that makes the song so much better. Last but not least, we have “Male Fantasy.” It ends the album with a soothing rhythm.
Overall, I really enjoyed Eilish’s Happier Than Ever Album. I highly recommend it to any willing to listen to it. The mix of slow and fast songs makes it very pleasing to listen to. Whether you need peaceful, soothing music to listen to or upbeat, lively songs, Happier Than Ever will do just the trick.