As the new school year dawns upon us, anticipation fills the air as students gear up for their favorite sports. Among the various athletic pursuits, Ultimate Frisbee, softball, cross country, and girls soccer often go overlooked despite their dedication and effort put forth.
Ultimate Frisbee looks to make a strong return led by team captain Wells Jordan. Wells said, “Ultimate frisbee is one of my favorite high school activities. Having a sport you could take seriously but still have a lot of fun with is something a lot of people appreciate.” This sentiment encapsulates the essence of the sport – a perfect blend of competitiveness and enjoyment that fuels the team’s motivation.
Softball also begins their season in the fall. Led by Taylor Caton and Delta Davidson, the team looks forward to their season after long and hot summer practices. They hope to showcase their hard work on the field this season by winning a state championship.
The softball team took a step towards acheiving that goal with their season-opener against Central Hinds, beating the Cougars decisively 17-2.
Cross country, a challenging endurance sport, requires athletes to conquer miles of running through difficult and tiring weather. Despite the challenges, the team is looking forward to the season under the leadership of Coach Andy Till, the new cross country coach.
Senior Sara Beth Henson, when asked about the upcoming season, said, “I am looking forward to the new cross country coach and how he is going to work with every member of the team to make sure we are the best we can be.”
Prep’s girls soccer team opened their season on the road, defeating Parklane Academy 7-2. Their regular season stretches through September.
As the school year approaches, these sports will offer entertainment to many of our students and showcase the talents of our student athletes.