On Tuesday, Sept. 5, during activity period, the Précis staff distributed the 2022-2023 yearbooks. All the students enjoyed looking through the memories from the previous year. The outside cover is a royal blue featuring this year’s theme “Who we are. Here’s what’s next.” in white block letters. The writing has red, orange, white, and lime green underneath. It’s sectioned out in “quarters” which is listed at the front of the book.

The beginning of the book features memories and achievements from the first quarter and then continues throughout the year. Because of the emphasis on activity and school spirit, the readers could be influenced to be more involved in the future. The last section of the annual contains school pictures divided by class. The seniors’ portraits, lists of activities, and quotes are the last part of the yearbook.
The readers were very pleased with this year’s yearbook, “This is the best one y’all have done!” said Purser Kellum while talking to Précis sponsor Ms. Shuff. The candid pictures entertained the readers the most, getting to look at all the fun memories that everybody remembers from last year.