On November 14, the Jackson Prep Youth Legislature delegation took themselves to the Old Capitol for a three day event filled weekend which included a mock state legislature, with students from all around the state assigned as state representatives or state senators. Every year, students are tasked with creating their own bill, presenting it to the entire delegation, and trying to get it signed or vetoed by the youth leg governor.
Thursday entailed a day of committees in which Senators or Representatives were assigned to the judicial committee, health and human services committee, or education committee. First, everyone was required to go through this process in order to get their bill to the house or senate floor.
On Friday, everyone was thrown into the house or senate chambers to debate bills – asking questions to the author and presenting their own bills. Later that day, all candidates for office were included in the political rally. In this, the gubernatorial (governor) candidates laid out their policy, and gave speeches for how they would govern. Candidates elected include ninth graders Nora Kate Quarles and Miriam Caballero, who were elected Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate unopposed.
Saturday, everyone rushed to get their bills through the senate and house chambers in order to get the governor to sign or veto their legislation. As the end of the day ensued, distinguished house and senate members were honored for their participation in debate throughout the three day period. Awarded delegates included: Will Morgan (12th), Henry Jordan (12th), Anderson Payne (9th), Michael Balfour (9th). All officers were also included in awards. Prep officers included Sophie Slade (12th) who served as House Sergeant at Arms, and Lindan Garner (12th) who served as the Speaker of the House. Lindan was also recognized for hosting the Prep delegation at Youth Leg. As the end of the day ensued, the youth leg Governor announced all bills that passed. Prep bills that passed included: Norah Kate Quarles and Caroline Jordan’s dyslexia therapy, Will Morgan’s legalized sale of racoons, Miriam Caballero, Michael Balfour, and Morgan Griggs’ impoverished swimming lessons, and Anderson Payne, Joseph Mckinley, and Henson Tyler’s library carts. With the closing of the 59th session of the Mississippi Youth Legislature, the Prep delegation left joyful that the program went as smoothly as they prepared for!