On the first weekend in February, Jackson Prep’s mock trial team participated at the regional mock trial competition in hopes of making it to state.
The team, composed of Prep students grades 9-12, had practiced for the past month with their very own attorney coach, Mrs. Michelle Loftin, a former attorney and current Prep substitute teacher who helped provide context to legal procedure and maneuverings about the courtroom. In addition, they sought thorough advice from Judge Whitney Adams, a Justice Court judge in Rankin County.
This year, the team was rocked with a civil case. The plaintiff, Jean Stuart, had broken his hip after he had been tased in his local mall by a security guard – an “incompetent” one at that. This security guard, a former member of the local police department, had previously been fired for reckless behavior. You may ask, why might a mall employ someone like this?
This was the question the plaintiff’s attorneys heavily grappled with. Lindan Garner (12th), Laurie Barbour (11th), and Allie Landry (12th), provided a detailed argument on why the mall was negligent in their hiring, and why Jean Stuart, the plaintiff, deserved rightful compensation for his damages. Acting as witnesses for the plaintiff’s team was Miriam Caballero (9th), Libby Woosley (10th), and Haley Yelverton (12th).
The defense team, Sophie Slade (12th), Allie Landry, and Haley Yelverton, brought a different argument to the table. These attorneys argued that because Jean Stuart, the plaintiff, had a history of public disorder and recklessness, that the mall company (the defendant) was not to be held liable. They argued that all procedures brought to the table in regards to their hiring of the security guard was safe and respectable to the fullest extent of the law, backed up by his prior experience and recommendations. Witnesses for the defense team included James Gauthier (10th), Libby Woosley, and Laurie Barbour.
Although both teams provided a bang of legal evidence and procedure to the regional mock trial tournament tournament, it was not enough to advance to the state competition. Best attorney awards were commended to Allie Landry, Lindan Garner, and Haley Yelverton, with best witness awards bestowed to Miriam Caballero and Libby Woosley. Thus, their season ended on a dutiful run. Thanks to the help of stellar attorneys, coaches, and sponsors, the Jackson Prep mock trial team departed knowing they gave it their all, leaving everything they had past the bar and before the bench.