Financial Management NYC Trip Snowed In

UPDATE: Everyone home safe and sound; Full Story To Follow


Every year Coach Malcolm Saxon takes a group of Financial Management students to New York City. This year the head of school Dr. Jason Walton, went along with them. The class departed for the trip on January 29. While in New York, the students were able to see Wall Street, The New York Stock Exchange, a Brooklyn Nets game, and many other things.

This year’s trip was unlike any other. The students got to experience the city of New York for longer than they expected to due to snow canceling their flight home on February 2. They were trapped in JFK airport for that day including spending the night. The next morning, they caught a flight to Houston. Once in Houston, nine lucky students got tickets to fly home, while the others were left to split up into groups and drive home.

Dr. Walton said that, despite the travel difficulties, the trip was outstanding. “We have been to Wall Street, seen some of the nation’s leading financial houses, connected with successful Prep alumni and taken in all the splendor and sights the city has to offer. Our delayed departure due to inclement weather provided some unexpected bonus opportunities and I am SO grateful I was able get the extra time with these 22 seniors!”
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