Students dive into virtual reality

On Wednesday, December 6, Jackson Prep hosted a virtual reality session in the library, the purpose of which was to show students how coding can make amazing things. Classes came in and experienced the underwater-themed demonstration, and students came in on their own during activity period.

Participants in the virtual-reality experience wore a headset/earphone combo that tracked the users’ movements, making them seem as if they were deep underwater. A favorite part of the simulation for many was a close-up encounter with a large whale.

Lobaki Inc. is the company behind the virtual-reality simulations. A Lobaki Inc. spokesperson met interim Prep Head of School Mr. Denny Britt at a coding conference a few weeks ago, and came to Prep to help familiarize students with the emerging technology of virtual reality.

Lobaki Inc. makes educational coding experiences right here in Mississippi; they even have a virtual reality academy in Clarksdale. CEO Mr. Vince Jordan says that [you can make] “pretty much anything that you can think of in virtual reality.” Some of Lobaki’s programs include climbing Mt. Everest, Apollo 11, and exploring the bloodstream.

Jackson Prep has a history of embracing new technology, and today’s display was another step in that tradition.