Senioritis is spreading rapidly at Prep as graduation nears

From Issue 7

There’s a mad epidemic spreading among the senior class, and they’re calling it “senioritis.” Since the start of the second semester (and for some, since before then), Prep seniors have been itching for graduation. “93 days,” senior Mary Parker Plunkett counted on Tuesday, February 19. “93 days ‘til graduation.”

Walk through the senior high hallways or enter a calculus class, and you’re sure to see the effects of “senioritis.” During their junior year, students dedicated countless activity periods and mornings before school to completing homework from the night before or practicing for standardized tests. Now, seniors not only procrastinate completing their homework, but they skip studying altogether.

“Senioritis” does appear in different forms for different students, and there are a number of reasons for it. Some seniors feel the hard work they have put forth the past four years has beaten them down, especially those seniors that have chosen to take honors and AdvancedPplacement courses. Senior Charlie Ott has taken all honors for the past four years. He said, “For me, senioritis is a product of putting everything I have into balancing my schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Once the finish line is near, you simply have nothing else to give.”

Students have also worked hard this year on college applications and scholarship essays, and many students know where they are going to school next year. Senior Grace Parker said, “My roommate and I have started planning for our dorm room, picking out colors and a few different items for our room.” Thinking ahead and envisioning what next year will look like has distracted many students from their work, which has been a disappointment to their teachers. “I think it’s sad because they’re not living in the present,” said Ms. Griffin, a senior high English teacher. “There are no guarantees, so they should live fully in the moment.”

Seniors, who will go unnamed, spend classtime sneaking in a few games of online poker. Photo by Mary Patton Murphy

As far as students completing their responsibilities outside of the classroom, however, “senioritis” doesn’t seem to have an effect. Many seniors have been soaking up their “lasts,” the last pep rallies, athletic events, and show choir competitions. While teachers seem to be disappointed by the performance of their senior students, sponsors and coaches of different clubs and activities across campus don’t appear to feel this way. “For the most part, we have not had any slacking off this year. We even had a pep rally this semester! Everyone gets tired at times and needs encouragement, but I am proud of the way my seniors are finishing strong,” said Ms. Tracie Mallard, senior high cheer sponsor.

With fewer than eight weeks until graduation, many seniors are losing their steam. Though activities are keeping some motivated, many activities will end this spring. Be careful, Prep family. With every new week, more seniors catch the bug; “senioritis” is spreading fast.