Great Patriot (Trivial) Challenge to test student knowledge

Are you bored out of your mind as quarantine seems to drag on indefinitely? Have you realized that the inexhaustible resources of Netflix are not as far reaching as you had assumed before it became one of your only options for entertainment? Have you taken so many walks that your legs feel like sad bowls of jelly, slowly melting and ignored, on a buffet line, and you now want nothing more than to put your feet up and chill? Well, the Jackson Prep quiz bowl class has the perfect afternoon planned for you! Combining everyone’s favorite trivia platform, Kahoot!, with the omnipresent Zoom meeting, The Great Patriot (Trivial) Challenge is here to shake up quarantine entertainment! 

Come one and come all and experience the most exciting trivia event of the year! With questions prepared by your own Jackson Prep quiz bowl class and its instructor, Mr. Lain Hughes, with guest contributions from faculty, The Great Patriot (Trivial) Challenge is an event no student should miss! Questions will address anything from general knowledge to facts about your favorite teachers at Prep and the history of our school. If enough students sign up, multiple rounds and possibly even a Tournament of Champions will be organized.  If not, never fear! All who sign up will still participate in a single, winner takes all, competition!

Mark your calendars for April 30, 3:30 pm, and register by emailing [email protected].  Prove your cognitive prowess! Earn honor and glory (and prizes) by demolishing your rivals! Sign up for The Great Patriot Trivia Challenge today!